Button Creations is a Hong Kong-based professional design and production studio. We have assembled a pool of experienced and creative professionals to serve our clients in different aspects.
Other than expertise in branding, packaging and advertising, Button Creations also provides a wide range of services including event production & management, video & film production, gift & premium production and graphics design.
Button Creations was found in 2008. In 2015, Button Creations has established its Shanghai office to cope with the expanding Greater China business. We strategically provide services to achieve the best promotional results for our clients.
The core teams behind Button Creations with over 40 staffs in Hong Kong and Shanghai office include:
Event Production & Management
Gift & Premium Production
Creative & Film Production
Our Client

Our team




General Manager (Shanghai)
Gift & Premium Team

Purchasing Manager (Hong Kong)

Purchasing Manager (Greater China)

Project Executive

Project Executive
Project Team

Project Manager

Project Manager

Project Executive

Project Executive

Project Executive

Project Executive
Creative Team

Senior Designer

Senior Designer



Designer (Shanghai)



Project Designer
Admin. & Account

Account Manager

Admin. Manager

Admin. Assistance

Admin. Assistance (Shanghai)

Admin. & Accounts Assistance